The process of creating this work was not as easy as it may seem as flag design ideas can be visualised in many different ways and I had to settle on one design only. My original idea was to use specific country symbols but my professor advised me to use a design more of my own so I had to come up with my own symbols and colours.
The professor showed some flag ideas on Pinterest, that were completely abstract in terms of form and colour and I wasn’t sure what those colours and symbols represented but I liked them and decided to make something similar in terms of design, however I had to focus on giving it its own meaning, because you can’t just create your own personal flag without any symbolism and meaning.
I sat down and sketched a few ideas in my notebook. I eventually chose this design because it looked simplistic and universal in terms of usage so I turned it into a personal t-shirt format as well that could be worn as a visual selfie in public because there is no better canvass for presenting yourself in public than your own personal t-shirt.
The colours yellow and black represent optimism and pessimism. In the middle of the flag is a green eye representing the colours of my eyes. The two triangles represent the different views I take to seeing graphic design.
The triangle on the left side is a simple triangle in blue which is my personal favourite colour. On the right side is a more complex triangle using different colours. The whole composition symbolizes how you can make creative ideas from simple things by visualising the idea through your own personal vision with your eyes and turn the idea into something new and unique.
The flag is hanged on a flag pole that is floating in the sky, because I tend to have my mind focused away from reality. The selfie can be used as a standalone flag as well, that could be hanged up in any place of your decision let it be a graphic studio, bedroom, or your backyard or used online for social media as well.
It is a personal abstract business card, that can be used in any way you want. Over all, I would say, that it was a pretty successful project and it can also be seen as a printed version of a poster in the school studio in Prague.