Hello, my name is Lukas Hunter and I’m currently hunting for new job opportunities
Aspiring graphic designer, always learning new things along the way
Secondary Education:
(2018-2021) University of Creative Communication (UCC), Prague 4
(2014-2018) Michael High School of Advertising and Art, Prague 11
Software experience: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
My brief design story:
During my early stages of life, I would draw simple scribbles on paper, that’s when I got introduced to art. Through later stages of life, I would get introduced to vexillology and its semiotic language and would enroll to a middle school specialized in commercial art, where I gratuated from during our fourth year in 2018. During my last year we were tasked with creating three posters for our final graduation work and these posters were then displayed on Náměstí míru (Peace Square) in Prague. There was a competition where students that made the most creative posters got a special prize and I ended up getting first place. My winning poster was a take on Czech politics at that time and since our main topic for our posters were “Fateful Years in Czech History” all ending with the number 8 (1918 - Formation of Czechoslovakia, 1938 - Munich agreement, 1948 – Communist takeover, 1968 – Prague Spring, 1988 – the start of the fall of Communism), all of my three posters were inspired by these fateful events.
Primary Education:
(2010-2014) Bezručova Second Elementary School, Říčany u Prahy
(2005-2010) Slovenská Elementary School, Prague 2
Working on tasks through the UCC school agency:
(2018) Working on a logo for Bookafe
(2018) Working on a logo for Blanka Matragi
(2019) Teamwork on a visual style for a book reading festival called the “Festival of Reading on a Train” together with ideas for public and visual communication, promoted by the school.
(2019) Working on a logo for a natural outdoor park
(2019) Teamwork on a “facelift” design for “Koli” lemonade company – logo and graphic visual representation together with ideas on how such visual style should be marketed in public and for public
(2020) Teamwork for Kolonaoperák company on creating a mascot and new visual redesign of the company together with its own unique marketing communication
(2020) Design for poster and logo for Bollywood film festival in Prague
Individual tasks:
(2020-) Creation of a CD cover for an indie rock band called “Booters”
Brief description:
The task was to create a cover that would contain the prescribed credentials by the employer. I tried to do my best and incorporated these credentials into a new album cover that had to be characteristic of that of a small rock band. Their new album is called Nightmares and had to contain a stylized moth on their front cover. The creation of the moth was a little trickier than expected, since the employer constantly changed his opinion on how the visual element should look, but we eventually got through it together. The offer is still ongoing and we’re currently discussing on how the back side of the album should look like.
Personal Interests:
Jogging, Tennis, Art, History, Running, Vexillology, Reading + occasionally enjoying one beer (It’s never one beer though)